@Bstract presents:
The Paynt Chronicles

The Concept

The Paynt Chronicals is a series of interconnected animations, each split between five original @Bstract pieces of art.

What happens when you collect a complete set?

Once a collector owns a complete set of 5 (A complete animation) I will then create them their own 10 piece Bstract Art Collection named with them, They will also collect half of all future royalties on eachpiece in their named collection.

To complete a set you will only need the middle 'scene' painting. The other 4 pieces can be used from any set, as long as the animation can still be completed, i.e, two figures walking from both sides and meeting in the middle piece to complete the scene.

A named collection will only be given to the first collector of each set. However if a secondary sale is sold for higher value than the original purchase, then bstract will honour the creation of a named collection with the new buyer.

I will also send a full version of your set as a video, gif or jpeg for you to use as a banner for social media/websites.

@Bstract animated artwork
@Bstract animated artwork